Mijntje van Kemenade

Final editor
Kari Postma

Text and pictures
@Terre des Hommes

Design and production

Foundation Terre des Hommes
Grote Marktstraat 43
2511 BH Den Haag
070 - 3105000


For privacy reasons, we do not use the children's real names throughout our Annual Report.


Would you like to make an additional contribution? Please scan this QR code with your mobile or transfer your support to bank account number NL10 INGB 0000 2525 25 of Terre des Hommes Netherlands Foundation mentioning ‘Annual Report 2023’.

We thank all of you for your loyal efforts and look forward to
working together again in 2024 to create a world in which every
child can enjoy a childhood without exploitation.

Read the extensive annual report here.

Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!

We thank all of you for your loyal efforts and look forward to
working together again in 2024 to create a world in which every
child can enjoy a childhood without exploitation.

Read the extensive annual report here.

Mijntje van Kemenade

Final editor
Kari Postma

Text and pictures
@Terre des Hommes

Design and production

Foundation Terre des Hommes
Grote Marktstraat 43
2511 BH Den Haag
070 - 3105000


For privacy reasons, we do not use the children's real names throughout our Annual Report.


Would you like to make an additional contribution? Transfer your support to bank account number NL10 INGB 0000 2525 25 of Terre des Hommes Netherlands Foundation mentioning
‘Annual Report 2023’.

Terre des Hommes

Every child deserves a safe and playful childhood. Terre des Hommes listens to children and tackles the systems that enable child exploitation. So children can flourish in a world free from exploitation.
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