Shops and volunteers

“I would like to thank the store for the amazing wedding dress! When I was looking for a dress, I found my dream dress online and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was sold by our fellow Terre des Hommes store in Alphen aan den Rijn.”

- Akkelien Huizinga from Leeuwarden, core member of the shop team 


Apart from new shop openings in Goes and Nijmegen, many events took place in 2023, including fashion shows, our shops selling their wares at eight markets, 11 shop anniversaries, 250 volunteer jubilees and two volunteers receiving a royal decoration. A special mention goes out to our shop in Pijnacker, celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2023. To mark this occasion, they organised a week filled with festivities. The shop has contributed enormously to Terre des Hommes’ programmes during its 40 years of operation. The new store in Nijmegen is also a success. It is impressive to see what great donations were given so soon after the shop opened its doors. The implementation of the new store concept, in this store, was well received.  

Throughout the Netherlands, 43 Terre des Hommes’ shops, operated by more than 1,700 active volunteers, substantially contribute to the work of Terre des Hommes.

On trend

As reflected in the results of the growth curve of revenues of the Terre des Hommes’ shops, it is clear that pre-loved items are becoming more and more popular! The circular economy discussions have found a broad base in our society at large and consumers are more conscious about where and from whom they purchase.

Fashion show in Amersfoort in October 2023

This is the great heritage from the early eighties when working groups of volunteers set up thrift shops, donating their profits to Terre des Hommes. We are extremely grateful for their very valuable contribution and support to our organisation.

Shops and volunteers

“I would like to thank the store for the amazing wedding dress! When I was looking for a dress, I found my dream dress online and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was sold by our fellow Terre des Hommes store in Alphen aan den Rijn.”

- Akkelien Huizinga from Leeuwarden, core member of the shop team 


Apart from new shop openings in Goes and Nijmegen, many events took place in 2023, including fashion shows, our shops selling their wares at eight markets, 11 shop anniversaries, 250 volunteer jubilees and two volunteers receiving a royal decoration. A special mention goes out to our shop in Pijnacker, celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2023. To mark this occasion, they organised a week filled with festivities. The shop has contributed enormously to Terre des Hommes’ programmes during its 40 years of operation. The new store in Nijmegen is also a success. It is impressive to see what great donations were given so soon after the shop opened its doors. The implementation of the new store concept, in this store, was well received.  

On trend

As reflected in the results of the growth curve of revenues of the Terre des Hommes’ shops, it is clear that pre-loved items are becoming more and more popular! The circular economy discussions have found a broad base in our society at large and consumers are more conscious about where and from whom they purchase.

This is the great heritage from the early eighties when working groups of volunteers set up thrift shops, donating their profits to Terre des Hommes. We are extremely grateful for their very valuable contribution and support to our organisation.

Throughout the Netherlands, 43 Terre des Hommes’ shops, operated by more than 1,700 active volunteers, substantially contribute to the work of Terre des Hommes.

Terre des Hommes

Every child deserves a safe and playful childhood. Terre des Hommes listens to children and tackles the systems that enable child exploitation. So children can flourish in a world free from exploitation.
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