Bringing about systemic change is a team effort. We are proud of the work we do with partners in our consortia and alliances that enable us to jointly create lasting positive change in the lives of children. Collectively, our voices are louder and our actions stronger as we seek to transform systems to protect children. In 2023, Terre des Hommes was part of the Down to Zero, She Leads, Joining Forces and Dutch Relief Alliances as well as the Dutch Kinderrechtencollectief and Giro555.


“We want people to enter into dialogue with each other to create strategies for the protection of children and adolescents”

- María from Colombia


Down to Zero works in Asia in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Laos and in Latin America in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Guatemala.

Behavioural change in 2023

In line with the programmes’ focus on children, child participation was effectively applied in four countries during the baseline process in 2023. This experience resulted in a significant impact as for many children, it enhanced their self-efficacy, and in particular, how they perceived their own agency, power and influence.

Down to Zero

The Down to Zero alliance is led by Terre des Hommes and includes five other Alliance Members (Plan International NL, Defence for Children - ECPAT, Free a Girl, Child Rights Coalition Asia and Conexión), working in 12 countries across Asia and Latin America. The programme focuses on safeguarding children from sexual exploitation, including online exploitation.

“She Leads not only gave me more self-assurance, but also an understanding of the value of standing up for others” 

- Soliana from Ethiopia


The consortium works together with local partners in Lebanon, Jordan, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and on regional and global levels.

Systemic change in 2023

She Leads influenced the enactment of relevant laws. In Uganda for instance, girls and young women contributed to the National Employment Policy, highlighting issues like inadequate breastfeeding spaces at the workplace and low wages for non-formal employment. Their recommendations were incorporated into the Final Draft policy document that was submitted to parliament for review and approval.

She Leads

She Leads is a five-year programme, for and by girls and young women. She Leads is a collaboration between Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children - ECPAT The Netherlands, the African Women’s Development and Communication Network and Terre des Hommes, in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together we fight for the rights, leadership and agency of girls and young women. 

“Besides the support that enabled me to go back to school, I have learnt about my rights and responsibilities as a child”

- Mary from Kenya


In Africa, Terre des Hommes is part of the Joining Forces Alliance initiatives in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Madagascar and also operates at the regional level under the Joining Forces Alliance for East and Southern Africa. In Asia, Terre des Hommes Netherlands actively contributes to Joining Forces in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and the Philippines. The International Terre des Hommes Federation is active in the Joining Forces Alliance in many more countries.

Systemic change in 2023

A critical lesson the Alliance learned in 2023 was the power of strategic partnerships. Without a strong voice, it was hard to reach governments. However, bringing together the expertise and lobby capabilities of different organisations in a more harmonious manner ensured that duty bearers opened doors to listen to and act upon child protection issues. 

Joining Forces

The Joining Forces Alliance was established in 2017 by the six largest child-focused international NGOs, namely: ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, the Terre des Hommes International Federation and World Vision International. The Joining Forces Alliance aims to use its collective power to accelerate change to secure children’s rights and end violence against them. 

“I lost my husband, my home and all my personal items due to the earthquake. My two-year-old daughter had to go to hospital because of her injuries. I was happy to receive a dignity care kit from Terre des Hommes. This is one of the very few good things that happened to me during these bad days“

- Rama from Syria


In 2023, Terre des Hommes responded to three protracted crises in Ethiopia, Syria and Afghanistan and three acute crises: the earthquakes in Syria and in Afghanistan, the floods in Libya and the conflict in Gaza.

Systemic change in 2023

Together with our partner organisation we reached out to the children and families that were most affected by the conflict in Ethiopia. In order to accomplish a positive and sustainable change for these children, we carried out awareness raising activities on child protection and children’s rights among communities and local actors. A child protection response committee was established to regularly follow the project at a grassroot level. This way, both the communities and local stakeholders are able to protect vulnerable children even after the project ends. 

Dutch Relief Alliance

Terre des Hommes is a member of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), a coalition of fourteen Dutch aid and humanitarian organisations in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The structural set up of DRA enables its members to respond promptly and effectively to major international crises. In November it was announced that the Dutch Relief Alliance has confirmed its three-year protracted joint responses in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Syria. 


The Children’s Rights Collective is active in the Netherlands.

Systemic change in 2023

The Children’s Rights Collective in 2023 launched ‘Kinderrechten in Beweging’ (Child Rights in Motion). Terre des Hommes was part of the kickstart of this annual process designed to focus the attention of stakeholders like Dutch ministries, policy makers, children and experts on recommendations made to the Kingdom of the Netherlands by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. The ambition is to keep children’s rights on the agenda, rather than waiting five years for the next UN evaluation. 


Terre des Hommes is a founding member of ‘het Kinderrechtencollectief’ (the Children's Rights Collective), a collective of around 20 Dutch children’s rights organisations. The collective stimulates knowledge exchange, advocates, lobbies and strives for a broad application of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

“The regular sounds of the air-raid siren were emotionally exhausting, and moving to shelters and providing lessons in the bomb shelter was physically exhausting. We are very grateful for the provided materials for the psychological stabilisation of children and will never forget your help!”

- A Director of a school that was supported with
mental health and psychosocial support in Ukraine


With funds raised during the national campaign 'Together in action for Ukraine', Terre des Hommes implemented projects in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova.

Systemic change in 2023

Security conditions in Ukraine challenged Terre des Hommes’ work in 2023. Despite the constantly evolving context, our work brought positive changes in the lives of children affected by the war. Psychosocial support helped children and their families improve their general wellbeing and deal with fear, stress and anxiety. One of Terre des Hommes’ partners in Poland advocated for and influenced national policy changes, to protect children in the hospitality and sports sectors. 


Terre des Hommes is part of the Dutch Cooperating Aid Organisations Alliance, also known as Giro555, which comes into action in exceptional disasters. Our partnership with Giro555 responding to the needs of children and their families affected by the war in Ukraine has continued throughout 2023.

Bringing about systemic change is a team effort. We are proud of the work we do with partners in our consortia and alliances that enable us to jointly create lasting positive change in the lives of children. Collectively, our voices are louder and our actions stronger as we seek to transform systems to protect children. In 2023, Terre des Hommes was part of the Down to Zero, She Leads, Joining Forces and Dutch Relief Alliances as well as the Dutch Kinderrechtencollectief and Giro555.


“We want people to enter into dialogue with each other to create strategies for the protection of children and adolescents.”

- María from Colombia


Down to Zero works in Asia in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Laos and in Latin America in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Guatemala.

Behavioural change in 2023

In line with the programmes’ focus on children, child participation was effectively applied in four countries during the baseline process in 2023. This experience resulted in a significant impact as for many children, it enhanced their self-efficacy, and in particular, how they perceived their own agency, power and influence.

The Down to Zero alliance is led by Terre des Hommes and includes five other Alliance Members (Plan International NL, Defence for Children - ECPAT, Free a Girl, Child Rights Coalition Asia and Conexión), working in 12 countries across Asia and Latin America. The programme focuses on safeguarding children from sexual exploitation, including online exploitation.

Down to Zero

“She Leads not only gave me more self-assurance, but also an understanding of the value of standing up for others.” 

- Soliana from Ethiopia


The consortium works together with local partners in Lebanon, Jordan, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and on regional and global levels.

Systemic change in 2023

She Leads influenced the enactment of relevant laws. In Uganda for instance, girls and young women contributed to the National Employment Policy, highlighting issues like inadequate breastfeeding spaces at the workplace and low wages for non-formal employment. Their recommendations were incorporated into the Final Draft policy document that was submitted to parliament for review and approval.

She Leads is a five-year programme, for and by girls and young women. She Leads is a collaboration between Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children - ECPAT The Netherlands, the African Women’s Development and Communication Network and Terre des Hommes, in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together we fight for the rights, leadership and agency of girls and young women. 

She Leads

“Besides the support that enabled me to go back to school, I have learnt about my rights and responsibilities as a child.”

- Mary from Kenya


In Africa, Terre des Hommes is part of the Joining Forces Alliance initiatives in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Madagascar and also operates at the regional level under the Joining Forces Alliance for East and Southern Africa. In Asia, Terre des Hommes Netherlands actively contributes to Joining Forces in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and the Philippines. The International Terre des Hommes Federation is active in the Joining Forces Alliance in many more countries.

Systemic change in 2023

A critical lesson the Alliance learned in 2023 was the power of strategic partnerships. Without a strong voice, it was hard to reach governments. However, bringing together the expertise and lobby capabilities of different organisations in a more harmonious manner ensured that duty bearers opened doors to listen to and act upon child protection issues. 

The Joining Forces Alliance was established in 2017 by the six largest child-focused international NGOs, namely: ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, the Terre des Hommes International Federation and World Vision International. The Joining Forces Alliance aims to use its collective power to accelerate change to secure children’s rights and end violence against them. 

Joining Forces

“I lost my husband, my home and all my personal items due to the earthquake. My two-year-old daughter had to go to hospital because of her injuries. I was happy to receive a dignity care kit from Terre des Hommes. This is one of the very few good things that happened to me during these bad days."

- Rama from Syria


In 2023, Terre des Hommes responded to three protracted crises in Ethiopia, Syria and Afghanistan and three acute crises: the earthquakes in Syria and in Afghanistan, the floods in Libya and the conflict in Gaza.

Systemic change in 2023

Together with our partner organisation we reached out to the children and families that were most affected by the conflict in Ethiopia. In order to accomplish a positive and sustainable change for these children, we carried out awareness raising activities on child protection and children’s rights among communities and local actors. A child protection response committee was established to regularly follow the project at a grassroot level. This way, both the communities and local stakeholders are able to protect vulnerable children even after the project ends. 

Terre des Hommes is a member of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), a coalition of fourteen Dutch aid and humanitarian organisations in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The structural set up of DRA enables its members to respond promptly and effectively to major international crises. In November it was announced that the Dutch Relief Alliance has confirmed its three-year protracted joint responses in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Syria. 

Dutch Relief Alliance


The Children’s Rights Collective is active in the Netherlands.

Systemic change in 2023

The Children’s Rights Collective in 2023 launched ‘Kinderrechten in Beweging’ (Child Rights in Motion). Terre des Hommes was part of the kickstart of this annual process designed to focus the attention of stakeholders like Dutch ministries, policy makers, children and experts on recommendations made to the Kingdom of the Netherlands by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. The ambition is to keep children’s rights on the agenda, rather than waiting five years for the next UN evaluation. 

Terre des Hommes is a founding member of ‘het Kinderrechtencollectief’ (the Children's Rights Collective), a collective of around 20 Dutch children’s rights organisations. The collective stimulates knowledge exchange, advocates, lobbies and strives for a broad application of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. 


“The regular sounds of the air-raid siren were emotionally exhausting, and moving to shelters and providing lessons in the bomb shelter was physically exhausting. We are very grateful for the provided materials for the psychological stabilisation of children and will never forget your help!”

- A Director of a school that was supported with mental health and psychosocial support in Ukraine


With funds raised during the national campaign 'Together in action for Ukraine', Terre des Hommes implemented projects in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova.

Systemic change in 2023

Security conditions in Ukraine challenged Terre des Hommes’ work in 2023. Despite the constantly evolving context, our work brought positive changes in the lives of children affected by the war. Psychosocial support helped children and their families improve their general wellbeing and deal with fear, stress and anxiety. One of Terre des Hommes’ partners in Poland advocated for and influenced national policy changes, to protect children in the hospitality and sports sectors. 

Terre des Hommes is part of the Dutch Cooperating Aid Organisations Alliance, also known as Giro555, which comes into action in exceptional disasters. Our partnership with Giro555 responding to the needs of children and their families affected by the war in Ukraine has continued throughout 2023.


Terre des Hommes

Every child deserves a safe and playful childhood. Terre des Hommes listens to children and tackles the systems that enable child exploitation. So children can flourish in a world free from exploitation.
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